Mindful Mama Chats on IG Live - begins Jan. 29, 7:30pm EST
Who cares for the caregiver? Far too often, we are last on the list. Moms are expected to sacrifice their whole selves along the journey of motherhood, but we know this only leaves us depleted; it’s not a good model for our kids to emulate either. I am sure you all are familiar, by now, with the stat often uplifted on social media about Moms raising neurodivergent kids (on the autism spectrum) who have PTSD levels similar to combat soldiers. This data is pulled from the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (published in 2009); Researchers followed a group of moms of adolescents and adults with autism for eight days in a row. Moms were interviewed at the end of each day about their experiences, and on four of the days researchers measured the moms’ hormone levels to assess their stress. They found that a hormone associated with stress was extremely low, consistent with people experiencing chronic stress such as soldiers in combat (Source: Disability Scoop).
Clearly, we carry a lot more on our shoulders than parents of neurotypical kids; well-being practices must become a central part of our lives as caregiving Mamas. Yes, I know, many of us can barely pee in peace (as I am always reminding some girlfriends… lol!), but carving out those pockets of time, even a few moments, makes a difference in your ability to respond to stress; because, let’s be real, Mamas, constantly reacting sends our nervous system into overdrive, which doesn't benefit us or our families.
As you all know, wellness for caregiving Moms like us (raising neurodivergent kids, and Moms who are neuordivergent themselves), is a core focus of When Motherhood Looks Different, LLC. Towards the end of last year, as I navigated my own levels of exhaustion, I began thinking about ways to center the importance of wellness practices, and also connect us in community, and the idea for an IG Live series - Mindful Mama Chats dropped into my spirit.
Mama, you and I deserve to root in supportive practices like mindfulness which helps us awaken to the present moment, accept life’s waves of changes, and our shifting emotions without shame (joy, grief, frustration, overwhelm, and on and on), all while deepening a sense of compassion for ourselves, family and community. And TSD mindfulness uplifts (among other practices) rooting in the power of our resilience (check out our past blog on this form of mindfulness here.)
I am looking forward to being in community with all for the first Mindful Mama IG LIVE Chat, Wednesday, Jan. 29, 7:30pm EST. I’ll share self compassion tips for Moms like us - raising neurodivergent kids and Moms who are neurodivergent themselves. ♥️ Let’s unwind together. Because it is imperative for us to care for ourselves on this journey, too. Oh, and I know life comes at us fast; if you miss it live, no worries! I always save the replay. See you all soon, Mamas.
Need Additional Support?
I coach Mamas of neurodivergent kids (Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, etc.) who are often overwhelmed and exhausted by their day-to-day responsibilities.
During our one-to-one sessions, we focus on -
Identifying your unique stress type, and how this determines the ways you experience stress in your mind and body.
Exploring which mindfulness tools are most supportive for you.
Mapping out an accessible plan to help you maintain a consistent mindfulness practice. This includes identifying your well-being anchors (those wellness practices which help you feel most supported and grounded throughout the day).